Mundie Moms

Thursday, June 3, 2010

City of Fallen Angels Cookie

The wonderful Cassie tweeted an amazing cookie from City of Fallen Angels today for one of her friends brithday. For those Alec and Magnus lovers, you are in for a treat:

“How many other people?” Alec asked. “Roughly.” Magnus shook his head. “I can’t count and it doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is how I feel about you.” “More than two hundred?” Magnus looked blank. “Three hundred?” “I can’t believe we’re just having this conversation now,” Magnus said, to no one in particular. “Why so many?” Alec’s blue eyes were very bright in the dimness. It was hard to tell if he was angry — he didn’t sound angry, just very intense, but Alec was a shut-down person and perhaps this was as angry as he ever got. “Do you get bored with people fast?” “I live forever,” Magnus said quietly. “But not everyone does.”

This is amazing and makes the wait for the release all that more exciting. Follow Cassie on Twitter right here.


  1. I LOVE this!! I feel so sad for these two, but at the same time, I can't wait to read more about them!

  2. Awwww, Magnus and Alec...LOL. And does Magnus get bored easily?? I'm now worried for Alec.

  3. No, I don't think he does, I think he must just be feeling sad because everyone he loves dies at some point. I want to crush them together and have a big group hug. Malec 4eva HA

  4. I do too! I want to bound them together and tell them it will be alright.
    I think Magnus has found something in Alec he hasn't felt for a long time.

  5. I love the quote!! It's funny and bitter sweet!! These two are quite the pair!! They make me laugh!! I can imagine Alec's eyes getting HUGE!! Poor Magnus everyone he has ever cared about dies!! But Maybe it will be different with Alec, since he isn't the typical guy that Magnus probably falls for!!

  6. SQUEE! I luff this! TEAM MALEC! :D

  7. bythebrooks here ;D

    So happy I asked for the Magnus/Alec scene! Nothing would have been better for my birthday :D lol

  8. Agghh! Awesome cookie, can't wait to read the rest!

  9. yay i just got this at BEA! cant wait to read it!

  10. awww... :) i love these two. *_*

  11. Amy-we're glad you asked too! I can't wait till March!! Happy Birthday!!

