Mundie Moms

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Thoughtful Thursday- The Meningitis Trust

Currently we have a Thoughtful Thursday giveaway going on, and to enter, we're asking our followers to tell us about one organization they'd like us to feature on our Thoughtful Thursday posts. This week's post was brought to our attention by Splendibird and here's what she says,
"The Meningitis Trust raises awareness of the disease and particularly awareness of the symptoms - vital for a disease that is incredibly fast moving and not as uncommon as people think. I think it is a particularly important organization for teens. People generally think of meningitis mainly being a danger to small children, but teens are an at risk group who could benefit from the advice, support and information that the Meningitis Trust provide."

Based out of the UK, The Meningitis Trust offers a lot of services ranging from information on Meningitis, to signs and symptoms, to educating people about it, supporting those effective by Mengingitis, offering ways to those living in the UK can volunteer and help raise awareness, and they also take donations.

Here's a little bit about what they do, "We help people practically, emotionally and financially. Our services are available to anyone who has been affected by meningitis. We also educate communities about the symptoms of meningitis, saving lives through early detection. We have the scope to do more and we want to do more. If you feel that you or someone you know could benefit from our support, please get in touch through our 24-hour nurse-staffed helpline (0800 028 18 28)." (taken from their site)

If you're living in the UK and would like to learn more about how you can help, or know someone who's been effected by Meningitis, please visit The Meningitis Trust's website


  1. Thank you very much for including the Meningitis Trust in your 'Thoughtful Thursday', it is very kind of you.

    Best wishes
    Liz Fenwick at the Meningitis Trust

  2. Really important cause...thank you for spotlighting it!

