Mundie Moms

Saturday, October 16, 2010

October's COFA Teaser

You know how much we love Cassie's teasers. Here's what she's posted today:
The vote came out basically at a tie, so we have Alec/Magnus this month, with a mini-teaser about Clary/Jace, and C/J in November.

1) “I don’t know what I want.” Alec, his head bent, was playing with an abandoned plastic fork. Though his eyes were defiantly cast down, their pale blue color was visible even through his lowered eyelids, which were pale and fine as parchment. Magnus had always found humans more beautiful than any other creatures alive on the earth, and had often wondered why. Only a few years before dissolution, Camille had said. But it was mortality that made them what they were: the flame that blazed brighter for its flickering. He wondered if the Angel had ever considered making his human servants, the Nephilim, immortal. But no, for all their strength, they fell as humans had always fallen in battle through all the ages of the world.

“You’ve got that look again,” Alec said peevishly, glancing up through his lashes. “Like you’re staring at something I can’t see. Are you thinking about Camille?”
“Not really,” Magnus said. “How much of the conversation I had with her did you overhear?”
“Most of it.” Alec prodded the tablecloth with his fork. “I was listening at the door. Enough.”
“Not at all enough, I think.” Magnus glared at the fork and it skidded out of Alec’s grasp and across the table toward him. He slammed his hand down on top of it and said, “Stop fidgeting. What was it I said to Camille that bothered you so much?”
Alec raised his blue eyes. “Who’s Will?”

2) Jace caught her hand in his. “Just say it again.”
“I’ll never leave you,” Clary said.
“No matter what happens, what I do?”

Don't forget to look out later this week for a teaser from Clockwork Prince!
You can read more here: or here: .


  1. Is it bad that I automatically skipped to the Jace/Clary one?? I love Alec/Magnus, but J/C are still my number 1 couple! :)

  2. *sigh* they're only teasers but I'm really messed up right now. :D

  3. Also had to read the Jace/Clary one first :-)

  4. WILLLLLLLLLLLL!!! That teaser was amazingly tortuous! Haha I sure hope that by the end of the Infernal Devices trilogy we'll find out if Will and Jem survive to the time of Mortal Instruments! Because I'd be heartbroken if they remained mortal and Tessa stayed young forever D:

  5. Will? :o And now we need to wait...That's unfair I'm starting to hate teasers. How i will keep my mind straight after that? :o

  6. Its sooooo good. I want the book now!! The wait is killing me and just aww... I love Alec and Magnus so much, I hope they can work it out. Jace and Clary are just far too perfect to ever fall apart. I couldn't cope if they weren't together. I just want it so bad!!! Its driving me crazy.

  7. Ahhh... that teaser left my heart pumping too hard. Will?? What did happen between him and Magnus... Oh God, what a tease!!

  8. I agree!! It's so hard waiting for the release of COFA!!!

  9. UGH! I SOOOO wanna know what happened between Magnus and Will. I mean Will obviously in love with Tessa but still. What happened after Will went to Magnus's.

  10. Oh Poor Alec!! Everything will be okay I think!! :~) Love the Jace/Clary Quote!! Oh my gosh they are so cute and he is so in love with her and vice versa!! I just can't get enough of them!

  11. This is so incredibly good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

