Mundie Moms

Monday, April 25, 2011

Mundane Monday #81

Happy Monday!! I hope you all had a great Easter and Weekend. Our forums are open again! YAY. We missed chatting with everyone, but it was nice spending the weekend with our families.

This Mundane Monday is courtesy of all the comments and questions we received during our chat with Cassie on Thursday. Prior to the chat starting the mango comment came up, and during the chat (we weren't able to post the comments) a lot of people were asking about the mango. Here's part of "the mango scene".

"That," said Jace, "and I'm not really familiar with what they sell in mundane grocery stores. Maryse usually cooks or we order in food." He shrugged, and picked up a piece of the fruit at random. "What's this?"

"That's a mango." Simon stared at Jace. Sometimes it really was like Shadowhunters were from an alien planet.

"I don't think I've ever seen one of those that wasn't already cut up." Jace mused. "I like mangoes."

- City of Fallen Angels, page 124


  1. Mondays filled with mangoes, Simon and Jace...that's a great way to start off the week! Thank you, MMs!

  2. Lol, that was like, my favourite part in the book! xD Gotta love Jace..

