Mundie Moms

Monday, May 9, 2011

City of Fallen Angles Not So Mundane Moments, Day 2, The DSAS scene

I am so excited about this week! Our friends Novel Novice & we have teamed up to share our favorite COFA scenes with you guys this week. We've had a lot of fun working on this feature. Not only will be talking about our favorite scenes from COFA, we'll also have giveaways! Thank you to Simon & Schuster at the end of the week we'll each be giving away a SIGNED copy of COFA! Each of our site's will also have some swag and a little treat from Cassie we'll be sharing through out the week. To enter our giveaways, you'll need to include the code word found at the bottom of each post and enter the giveaway form out, also found in each post.

Before you read any further, please know this week's feature will be full of SPOILERS! If you've not read COFA yet and don't want to be spoiled, please do not read any further.

We can't post a scene from COFA and not post the infamous DSAS, also known as the Dirty Sexy Alley Scene. It was tweeted about a lot, brought to life from the COFA book trailer Vania created (here's the link to the steamy scene that didn't make the final cut) and was one of the most highly anticipated scenes. Why? Because Jace and Clary can finally be.... well you know, TOGETHER! Although we find out their relationship is far from blissful in COFA. Still, Cassie knows how to write a HOT scene. Here's a sample...

“Kiss me then,” she whispered, and he pressed his mouth against hers, their hearts slamming together through the thin layers of wet fabric that divided them. And she was drowining in it, in the sensation of him kissing her; of rain everywhere, running off her eyelashes; of letting his hands slide freely over the wet, crumpled fabric of her dress, made thin and clinging by the rain. It was almost like having his hands on her bare skin, her chest, her hips, her stomach; when he reached the hem of her dress, he gripped her legs, pressing her harder back against the wall while she wrapped them around his waiste.

He made a noise of surprise, low in his throat, and dug his fingers into the thin fabric of her tights. Not unexpectedly, they ripped, and his wet fingers were suddenly on the bare skin of her legs.

Reading that makes you want to go and pick up cOFA again doesn't it. You can read the entire scene starting on page 184 and ending on page 188.

Today's Code Word: ALLEYWAY

Contest Guidelines:

* Fill out the contest entry form here, using today's code word. (the form is posted in the Day 1 of our contest)

* You may enter once PER DAY (no more) for a chance to win. (Please note: if you submit more than one entry per codeword, you will automatically be disqualified. You may enter once per day -- that means one entry for every different code word.)

** PLEASE NOTE: Only enter the codeword found at Mundie Moms in this entry form. You MUST use Novel Novice's entry form for their code word.

* Check back every day to see a new spoiler, and get a new code word.

* Be sure to head over to Novel Novice for their code words, too, for even more chances to win!

* Prizes can only be mailed to the U.S.

Questions? Leave 'em in the comments & we'll reply!

1 comment:

  1. I loved the DSAS, one of my fave parts.

    -Mocha from A Cupcake and A Latte.

