Mundie Moms

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Fortune Magazine Interviews Cassie & Her Dad

Yesterday I read this seriously awesome interview that Fortune Magazine did with Cassie and her dad. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall in the room they were interviewed in, because this is one of my most favorite Cassie interviews to date, and I love that it was done with her and her dad. 

I was really tickled that Fortune wanted to do an interview with me and my father, because though we both write books, he writes books about business strategy and I write books about teenagers whacking demons with swords. My dad cracks me up (as I’m sure you can tell in the photo) as he has a snarky sense of humor. Sadly the end of the interview got cut off, in which Fortune asked me if I was ever worried about writing young adult books because there were already too many.

My dad: Aren’t you ever worried that there are too many magazines?

Me: Oh, Jesus. *drags Dad out of office*

(picture from Fortune Magazine's article)

David A Kaplan had the chance to interview Cassie, along with her successful author and professor father, Richard Rumelt. The interview that was posted yesterday was seriously fabulous! I can only imagine what it's like to be in a room with Cassie and her dad together. 

Here's just a few examples of the Q&A:

Per FM:  Richard, you're a well-known academic and have sold tens of thousands of books. Cassandra, you're a well-known author for a certain segment of the mass market—and have sold even more books. Is there a connection between the two careers?

RUMELT:  It's all genetics [laughter]. I'm very proud of her. She's blossomed fantastically.

CLARE: My father is a big believer in nature over nurture.


Per FMWill Richard have a cameo in the movie?

CLARE:  No, but there is an evil dad in the movie.

RUMELT: I'd rather have my own film. I'm actually beginning a project of trying to video CEOs about certain strategy issues.

CLARE:  I have asked specifically that they include my cat.


This is also one of many examples of why I love Cassie. She is so charismatic and real. Check out the entire interview here

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