Mundie Moms

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Some TMI Picspam

TMI Dictionary by herondale_s
It's Sunday and I think we all need to look at some TMI picspam, don't you? Yeah, it's time. Enjoy, Mundie Moms and Happy Weekend!

Godfrey Gao for ELLE MEN, China.

I know what we're all thinking, holy iratze, thank you ELLE MEN for these gorgeous photos of Godfrey.

“Valentine is back! All the Infernal Worlds know it—I know it—I can tell you where he is—” (City of Bones, page 11) by clacetakesyourchoiceaway

Clace by team-divergent-games

Always appropriate to end with Clary and Jace and one of those heart-breaking quotes. Here's to a fantastic week!


  1. Ahh I have an exam tomorrow but this has made me feel so much better!!

    1. Laura - A few pics like this always help me change perspective. :)

  2. I love these! I can't wait for the movie!

