Mundie Moms

Monday, May 19, 2014

Get Caught Up With Cassie Clare's Recent Posts

Hi Cassie Clare fans! Just in case you've missed them, here are some of her recent posts about her characters. Click on the highlight links to be taking directly to her post. 

 I love your work and I love the The Mortal Instruments series , to prepare for  CoHF I have been re-reading the Infernal Devices and The Mortal Instruments and the Bane Chronicles my question to you is does Jace finally accept he is a Herondale? I remember reading TMI first then the TID then re-reading TMI because I understood so much more, and I hated knowing the Herondale name is basically finished because Jace doesn’t want to use that name and use Lightwood because he feels he is more a Lightwood. But thanks again if you read it and if you respond then I would love it and appreciate it! — koalaxo
Well, Jace is pretty much whatever he decides he wants to be, to me. If he decides he’s a Lightwood then that’s valid. He’s a Lightwood. I can promise that Jace does during CoHF definitively answer the question of whether he wants to don the mantle of his Herondale heritage, so to speak. And it may also be the case that even if he didn’t, it wouldn’t be the end of the Herondales, but for that, you’ll have to wait. :)
Hi there, Cassie!  I just have one question about Malec, do you think that when Alec called and let his friend to confront Magnus about their break-up is not necessary? I mean they broke up, and I think it might be annoying to keep touching the ex on a sensitive subject! For me, I personally have no offense about this, because I can feel myself in Alec! But people around me said there’s no dignity when trying to keep in touch with your ex like that? What do you think? Could you explain me further? Thank you so much and wish you all the best with the new upcoming books~ — rinchannoparadise
I think that if Alec had asked Simon to call Magnus and reason with him, it would have been an understandably human (if inexplicable — Simon?) move. However, since there’s no indication that Alec even knows Simon is calling Magnus, much less that he asked him to do it, I don’t think it reflects on Alec at all. Simon said “Isabelle made me do this.” Not Alec. If one’s friends or sister decide to remonstrate with one’s ex, that’s really on them, not you.
Was there ever a bit of regret for having Maia (understandably) break up with Simon but have her go back to they hot guy who changed her into a werewolf to the first place? I know Jordan was very sorry for what he did, but what made decide to not take a different approach? Where Maia actually ended up with Simon and Isa belle could have been with Jordan? It just interests and upsets me that Maia and Simon could have been an interesting couple: Vampire and Werewolf, both liked video games and the same general fashion sense, they had problems with love… Isabelle and Jordan seem like two gorgeous people who could have anybody. What are the chances that they could have ended up and stayed together just fine? — dreamingspark
This edges close to  the sort of questions  my friend Libba Bray calls “Why is your cat your cat and not some other cat?” (Basically: “, I guess I could have written about that if I was writing a different book, but it’s what you do decide to write about that makes a book, not the infinite number of things you don’t”.) 
If you sit down to write say, a star-crossed tale of anthropomorphic mice, you might not have an answer to “Why not a tale of two ferrets who are deadly enemies?” because it simply never occurred to you to write the second thing. It never occurred to me to pair Jordan and Isabelle. I never thought of either of them as hotter than Simon and Maia and I’m not sure about pairing people due to hotness level, anyway.
I always thought it was fairly clear from City of Glass that things were going in a Simon/Isabelle direction. They have all the sexual tension, they have the scenes together that cut to the bones of the characters. Only Simon can approach and comfort Isabelle after Max’s death. Only Isabelle can make Simon smile while he’s in prison. They grow steadily closer from the end of CoA on. I don’t see how you could not fall in love with a guy who tells you the entire plot of Star Wars to get you to sleep, but that might just be me.
*Read the rest of Cassie's response HERE*

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