Mundie Moms

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Latest TMI Movie & ID News

There's been lots of goodies floating around the TMI/ID world lately and today we're sharing them with you in case you've missed them.

CA News
TODAY Clockwork Angel was released in paper! We're really excited about this, because these editions have an extra from MAGNUS!! This short story is from Magnus's point of view that will tie both the TMI and ID books together. You can read more about that on Cassie's site here and read why Simon & Schuster included this little treat here.

CP News:
Have you seen this beauty of a picture? It's a still from the upcoming FULL LENGTH book trailer for CLOCKWORK PRINCE by Dirty Robber! Go here to read what Cassie posted about it. I can not wait to see this trailer!

TMI Movie News!

Marlene King will be writing the City of Bones Film Adaptation! Be sure to go and read what Cassie said about it on tumblr here. I am so excited about this news, that means the movie is moving along!! YAY!


  1. LOL you wrote Mangus :P

    Yay! I ordered my copy from Amazon, still waiting that and LOLA to arrive! So excited :)

    Whoa, I had no idea the full lenght trailer was made by a different company! That looks really good, it even looks like a movie!

  2. LOL thank you for catching that! I apparently got a little too excited ;P

  3. Magnus' POV???? REALLY????? Well, I am going to be a bad steward of my money and buy it....I really shouldn't.....because I already own the HC.....but I'll do it anyway..... :/

  4. Yay! I'm so excited. Wow, love that still from the trailer and Marlene is a great choice. I'm hopeful that she'll be able to capture the essence of the novel!

