Mundie Moms

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thoughtful Thursday: 5 Middle Grade Books Inspired You To Read

Today's Thoughtful Thursday is "5 Middle Grade Books Inspired You To Read". This post stemmed from a conversation I had a with a couple friends talking about Middle Grade books that inspired us to read or left a lasting impression on us. I didn't grow up with the impressive collection of MG books there is now. When I was growing up there wasn't a MG or a YA section in my Middle School library. Stephen King books sat next to the choose your own adventure books, The American Girl series (which was just starting), Sweet Valley High and the Babysitter Club books that were extremely popular then. Of course these series were ones I loved and devoured in 4th and 5th grade, but there's some other MG books that also captured my attention and made me realize that there were all sorts of different kind of books out there and each one inspired me in some way.

Here's my list of 5 Middle Grade Books that Inspired Me:

The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis

This is one of the first books that left a memorable impression on me. I remember reading this book in 3rd and wishing I had a closet that I could walk through and visit Narnia and any other world in. Both the story and the world building fascinated me.

Charlotte's Web by E.B. White

This was on the first MG books I owned and I lost count at how many times I read this book growing up. The whole concept of talking animals and a spider who saved the life of a pig fascinated me. It's still a beloved favorite of mine.

Gentle Ben by Walt Morey

This was a classic when I was growing up (it's still currently a Penguin Classic), and it's not a story that I hear much about any more, which is sad. It's a book that still part of my MG collection and one I hope my kids end up reading. His book inspired a tv series and a movie. It's not just the story that impressed me, but Walt himself. Walt not only lived in the same small town I grew up in, he was good friends with my grandparents and one of the first MG authors I ever meant.

The Diary of Anne Frank by Anne Frank

This story not only moved me, but it was one of the first books I read that emotionally connected with the main character. This is a story that both inspired me and horrified me. For the longest time it was one of my favorite story's, not because of the horrid things Anne had to deal with, but because of Anne herself. What an amazingly strong girl is was.

Hatchet by Gary Paulsen

I don't know what it is about this book, but it's still one of my all time favorites. I first read this book in 5th grade when I had the chance to meet Gary Paulsen when he came to my school. Before meeting him I had no idea who he was, but after meeting him and listening to him talk about his books and what inspired the story of Hatchet, I couldn't read his books fast enough. I still have my signed copy of Hatchet on my bookshelf. This is one of those awesome outdoor adventure books that both boys and girls will enjoy reading.


I swear I'm not as old as I may seem, many of these books were already classics when I started reading. I'm curious, what 5 Middle Grade Books inspired you to read or left a lasting impression on you? Did you grow up having a MG section in your school library? If you're a MG reader now, what are some of your favorite books?


  1. This is a great collection of books - and I can see why they made an impression on you. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Ha! I admit I am older. I loved Charlotte's Web, The Secret Garden, and Diary of Anne Frank. I went to a small, poor school. My elementary school library was a classroom with bookshelves against the walls. I read whatever I could get my hands on.

    Two favorites I read recently are Seeing Cinderella and The Princess Curse.

    1. The Secret Garden is also another fav! I love that story and still love it. I was like you, I read anything I could my hands on.

  3. Those are all great books. I loved all of them too. Charlotte's Web is still one of my favorite books.

    1. Charlotte's Web is definitely one of those classics that every young reader should have. lol

  4. Love the Chronicles of Narnia as a kid. I couldn't get enough of them! :)

  5. One of my favorites is "A wrinkle in Time." But yea, "Hatchet" amd "The Lion, the With, and the Wardrobe" were some of my favorites! Ha, I was even in fifth grade when the movie came out!

    1. Okay now I feel really old if you were in 5th grade when the Narnia movie came out. LOL

