Mundie Moms

Saturday, February 9, 2013

#ShareMortalLove Clues 1, 2 and 3

@MortalMovie shared two clues today leading up to the first character poster reveal (taking place in about 5 mins). Today's clues are:

 I was born to die, but that’s now a thing of the past. 

I have a very strong band of friends.

If you know who I am by now, don’t reveal my secret. Who am I?

My first guess was that it was Simon or Magnus, based on the quote. I was thinking it's someone Immortal or someone who was changed from human to something else. BUT, based on the second clue and the picture, I was thinking it might be Valentine. Now I want to say SIMON again! Who do you guys think it is? 


  1. Valentine for sure!

  2. I'm thinking Simon... and I am still waiting!!! I can't wait to see :-)

  3. I'm thinking Simon. Magnus wouldn't wear a shirt like that lol!!

