Mundie Moms

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thoughtful Thursday: 5 Things Olympic Athletes Have Taught Me

I absolutely love watching the Olympics. The Winter Olympics are my favorite to watch. Whether it's the Summer or Winter Olympics, I always find myself completely in awe over what these amazing athletes can do. During the Olympics I am glued to the TV watching these incredible performances, and races. Whether it be on the slopes, on the skating rink or else where, I am in so inspired by these men and women who literally give their all to be where they are at. 

Here Are 5 Things The Olympic Athletes Have Taught Me:

No matter what anyone says, if you believe it, you can do it. I can only imagine how many times these athletes have wanted to give up or have heard negative comments made about them, and yet, look where they're at. Not only do these athletes in incredible shape physically, but mentally they have to be so much stronger. They have to be able to tune out the self doubt, and negativity. The moment they stop believing they can do it, is the moment they won't achieve that goal/medal. I feel that is something that can easily be applied to life. Look at all the negativity that surrounds us. Like I tell my kids, who cares what so and so says about you. Do you believe what they say? No?! Then it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that what you believe about yourself. No one can take that away from you if you don't let them. 

I am in awe over the hard world, dedication, and the ups and downs these athletes face. Yet, they have yet to give up. They don't give up! Like at all! I can only imagine the times they've wanted to. If these athletes gave up the first time they fell, or if they walked away from a race/competition/game because they didn't win, they wouldn't be where they are today. 

I am blown away that these athletes have dedicated years and sometimes their lives for a sport they love. Specifically the past 4 years. I can't even comprehend the hours they've put into practicing, and the sacrifices they've made to get to the Olympics. To see some of them stumble, fall and not make it to the podium breaks my heart. Yes I know not everyone can get a medal, but still. Seeing them fall or crash is gut retching. Like I told my son, it's amazing that 4 years of training for hours a day for 7 days a week comes down to one race, one competition, one game. One moment. That one moment can make the last 4 years worth it, or a slip or crash can destroy an athlete's dreams in a matter of seconds. When it goes right, it's amazing. Yet, when something doesn't go their way, they get right back up, and do it again. That is dedication at it's finest. 

See the Dedication section above. lol As with life, it's hard to stick something out when you want something so much, but you can't really see the outcome of what your hard work is going to get you. With these athletes, having that hope and that possibility of potentially earning a medal for their country is inspiring, and makes me realize that I should easily be able to stick to my goals and work my hiney off of achieving that end result I want in life.

I can not imagine the feeling these athletes feel when they medal or set a personal best record. I don't know about you guys, but when these guys/gals tear up, I find myself doing the same thing. I love seeing them enjoy the moment they're in. It's such a great reminder to me to enjoy the moments I have through out my life, both the small and the big. Those little moments are crucial in achieving those big moments. 

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