Mundie Moms

Saturday, September 8, 2018

#ShadowhunterArmy Newsletter Shares Deleted Scene from LADY MIDNIGHT #Shadowhunters #LadyMidnight

If you're a Shadowhunter fan and you haven't signed up for the different newsletters, you are missing out! Along with Cassie's monthly newsletter, fans can also receive additional Shadowhunter goodies from the Shadowhunter Army newsletter. I highly recommend signing up for both. While I share snippets from both newsletters, there are other things included in the newsletter I don't share. One thing I'm definitely going to share in addition to the exclusive artwork, which I shared here, the #ShadowhunterArmy newsletter also included this deleted scene from Lady Midnight!


“So what does this mean for us?” said Livvy. “This connection to the Blackthorns?” She looked anxiously at Jules. “What does it mean that that woman, Belinda, knew about Uncle Arthur?”
“It means that there are people that know about this and will try to use it against us,” said Julian. “But it also means we must be close, close to the answer, or they wouldn’t be threatening us now.”
“But we don’t feel close,” said Emma, clearly frustrated. “At least I don’t. I feel like we’re wandering around in a fog. So what set them off? What made them think we knew more than we know?”
“They figured out we were at the theater for the Lottery,” said Cristina. “Maybe they panicked that we knew who they were.”
“We don’t,” said Emma. “We know they’re a bunch of movie producers with a bee in their bonnet about Blackthorns and a yen to bring someone back from the dead.”
“Who would movie producers want to bring back from the dead?” Ty asked.
“Marilyn Monroe?” suggested Livvy.
“Brad Pitt,” said Drusilla.
“Brad Pitt is still alive,” pointed out Emma.
“Prove it,” said Ty.


HAHAH! Love the Brad Pitt comment. I need to go re-read this book. Do you ever find yourself re-reading prior books in a series, before the next book is released? I can not wait for December's release of Queen of Air And Darkness. 

1 comment:

  1. Eee, deleted scenes from these books are the very best :D Sigh. Loved this one. <3

